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  • Stock Code : 001201

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    Group News Company Announcement

    Ding Jibao, Director of Guangzhou Customs, led a team to Dawnrays to investigate export work


    Recently, Ding Jibao, head of Guangzhou Customs, led a team to Dawnrays to investigate the export of live pigs. Liu Donghao, deputy mayor of the municipal government, and Wang Xiujun, head of Heyuan Customs, accompanied the investigation.

    The research team visited the company's digital display center and R&D and testing center, learned about the production process of the pig farm through video online, and learned in detail about the configuration and testing of laboratory facilities and equipment. At the subsequent symposium, Yuan Jiankang, chairman and general manager of Dawnrays, reported to the research team the company's work in biosafety, product quality and export. After listening to the report, Commissioner Ding Jibao fully affirmed that Dawnrays Co., Ltd. has faced difficulties in the dual epidemic environment of "New Crown Pneumonia" and "African Swine Fever" to ensure the stable development of production, in order to protect the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, especially Hong Kong, China. The important role played by the supply of live pigs. It is hoped that Dawnrays will seize the opportunity, innovate and develop, and make greater contributions to the supply of pork and the protection of people's livelihood in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.


    The research team visited the Digital Exhibition Center11.jpg

    The research team visited the R&D and testing center

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