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  • Stock Code : 001201

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    Group News Company Announcement

    Pei Guang, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Guangdong Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau, led the team Visiting and investigating Dawnrays shares


    On the morning of May 18, Pei Guang, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Guangdong Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau, led a team to visit Dawnrays. Municipal Government Deputy Mayor Liu Donghao, Director of Heyuan Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau Lin Weidong, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Heyuan Branch President Jin Wentao, PICC P&C Heyuan Branch General Manager Ye Guozhu, Chairman and General Manager Yuan Jiankang of Dongrui Co., Ltd., Director and Deputy General Manager Zeng Dongqiang Wait to participate in research activities.

    The research team visited the digital display center and R&D and testing center of Dongrui Co., Ltd. Yuan Jiankang, chairman and general manager of Dongrui Co., Ltd., introduced the company's operating status and future development plans to the research group. Mr. Yuan said that the achievements of Dawnrays today are inseparable from the long-term care and strong support given by the municipal party committee and municipal government and local financial institutions. Dawnrays will rely on and leverage the power of the capital market to strive to achieve higher quality. development of.

    Visit our company's digital display center, R&D and testing center to understand the basic situation of our company's production and operation

    久久精品亚洲福利,国产性爱影音先锋,免费99精品国产自在现线,在线亚洲午夜无码 午夜天堂美女在线视频 婷婷六月在线视频中文字幕
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